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Senin, 12 Desember 2011

iklan: Offering of ancient statue

Nama*:Martin Simorangkir
Judul iklan*:Offering of ancient statue
Keterangan*:In selling an ancient statue from Indonesia 1000 years old. Shape of a woman who was standing on the flower Wijaya Kusuma. This women are usually on call Goddess Kilisuci. Daughter's of King Jenggolo Manik 1012-1112 AD. The statue is made of young gold(old gold). With a weight of 200 grams. Length of 2 cm, width 4 cm, height 12.5 cm.Discovered in 1978 by my family on the edge of the Brantas River, East Java,Malang, Indonesia. For more information contact: Martin Simorangkir Hp:081333398787, could be a short message.
Category:ancient statue
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